Sobrado for Brokers
As a digital pioneer, Sobrado has been setting a standard in the collaboration between insurance brokers and providers since 2011. With our various functions, we facilitate the work of brokers on a daily basis. For efficient business processes and secure data.
Benefits Overview

Core Benefits
- Library Documents (7k+)
- Market Information Comparison
- Advisory & MIS
- Secure Connection, Dataprotection & Compliance
Core Benefits
- Library Documents (7k+)
- Market Information Comparison
- Advisory & MIS
- Secure Connection, Dataprotection & Compliance
Core Benefits
- Library Documents (7k+)
- Market Information Comparison
- Advisory & MIS
- Secure Connection, Dataprotection & Compliance
Core Benefits
- Library Documents (7k+)
- Market Information Comparison
- Advisory & MIS
- Secure Connection, Dataprotection & Compliance
Core Benefits
- Library Documents (7k+)
- Market Information Comparison
- Advisory & MIS
- Secure Connection, Dataprotection & Compliance
Core Benefits
- Library Documents (7k+)
- Market Information Comparison
- Advisory & MIS
- Secure Connection, Dataprotection & Compliance
Features in Detail

The Dashboard – your central Control-Hub to check the current state of your work, start new processes and have a quick navigation to other parts of Sobrado.

Before starting your submission you need to enter required clients information in our CRM modul. This can be done via automated API’s with our many broker crm software partners or by enterin the information directly in Sobrado. To ensure the highest possible quality and a smoother overall process with the insurer we require each client to be verified by CRIF Teledata. You can do this with one simple click.

Select out of 22 enterprise insurance products and 11 privat lines to start a new call and comparison. It is also possible to start combi-calls for person, property and privat insurances.
Currently 8 of the offered line of business can be automatically compared by our algorithms.

We offer you detailed coverages depending on the line of business you are working with. In Pension for example we offer a wide selection of pre-determined plans including a description for you to choose from. Whereas in Property and Liability we automatically recommend you optimal coverages based on the NOGA-Code of the selected clients.

Our smart step-by-step process makes sure that all necessary values are correctly entered or not missed, so that you insurance partner won’t have any questions during the creation of the offer file. This will make your overall process more efficient.
On the last step you can select your usual insurance contact persons, all of them will receive a secure access to all necessary call-information at the hand of a mere click.
Further you select the Sobrado Marketplace, here the Broker has the opportunity to place their call for offers anonymously for all insurers. This promotes the reach and neutrality between customer and insurer.

The received offers are clearly arranged in columns. This way you can compare the values via the different columns and rows. Our algorithms will depending on the line of business extract the relevant information directly out of the PDF file.
To get an even more comprehensive comparison, you can display the Sobrado provider facts from the library in the comparison.
All necessary process actions like reminding the insurer, adding more information to the call, rejecting and accepting offers can be done on this screen.
Offer comparisons can also be exported as Excel or PDF.

After you have decided for an offer you can notify the insurer and you’ll receive the policy directly to Sobrado.
We will display you all relevant information about a policy (inlcuding coverages, premium rates etc.) directly per client. Including all relevant documents that you have received and contract conditions that apply.
This policy page including the documents can be directly access by your third-party CRM System via our Open-API.

You can check all ongoing policies per client on Sobrado.
From here you can go back and check the comparison or use the already existing data to create a new call for offers within seconds.

One of our newer processes includes requesting a new mandat for a client directly via Sobrado.
For this we will reuse your existing insurer contact and save all information about the status of the mandat directly on the client view on Sobrado.
The insurer will receive the request and can accept it directly in Sobrado.
This process is also supported by our third-party CRM API.

Our user have unlimited access to the largest Document Database for insurance documents in Switzerland like:
Contract Informations, Regalements, Yearly Reports, Product Informations etc.
We currently store around 8000 Documents, in 4 languages accessible by version date.
These documents can be searched with a smart algorithm within seconds. We will list the result of your search term over all documents of all insurers including the relevant paragraphs.

With our Insurer Interview we store over 1000 Questions and Facts that you can compare for our over 200 Insurer Partners.
Each Insurer has an access where his questions can be answer and saved per product.
Alone for the line of business Pension we offer nearly 400 Questions, KPIs and Informations that will be helpful in the proper evaluation for the best provider for your client.

If you want to know how well your team is performing, who is working on what or with which of your insurance partners you are celebrating the biggest closures, don’t hesitate and check out all that and more in our BrokerManagement Information System.

If you want to properly export informations from Sobrado to show your client, you can do all that in our settings.
Here you can map your corporate identity with arround 100 dynamic fields to upload your logos, choose fonts, colors, heading, define placeholder for title pages and much more.
We also offer our Enterprise Clients the option to have a fully customized excel export with all existing Sobrado Values (from the Comparison and Insurer Interview) in an excel file of their choice.

Success Stories

Biennassur AG is convinced of the advantages of SOBRADO. The time and consequently cost savings are enormous. We do not want to burden our employees with manual data transfer, but automate the processes. SOBRADO does exactly this very effectively and cost-efficiently. Our rating: Recommendable!

Senior Specialist
UFS Insurance Broker
UFS recommends the use of SOBRADO, because the provider facts of the SOBRADO Library complete the comparison perfectly. With a single click, all values and data of the insurers are displayed in the offer comparison. That is why we use SOBRADO.

With SOBRADO we save a lot of time in the tendering process. With a few clicks we can reach hundreds of insurance companies. That’s why we use SOBRADO.